Immunization is the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine. Vaccines stimulate the body’s own immune system to protect the person against subsequent infection or disease.
— World Health Organization (WHO)

Common vaccines are listed below. Click on the “Learn More” button to download the CDC’s full Vaccine Information Sheet.


Flu is a very common viral infection that usually occurs between September and March, although Colorado is known for having flu prevalent in later, colder months.  Side effects can be severe including chills, high fever, nausea, and dehydration.  The flu is highly contagious but easily preventable.  It is recommended that anyone over the age of 6 months be vaccinated once yearly.  Even in cases where the vaccine is not 100% effective in preventing the flu, it can drastically decrease symptoms. There are many versions - our staff will make sure you get the one most appropriate for you.


Pneumococcal disease is common in young children and older adults, but the risk of serious illness and death is greatest in the older population.  There are two vaccines to help protect against pneumonia: PCV13 and PPSV23.  It is recommended that children 2 years or younger receive one dose if PCV13 and those over the age of 2 can be vaccinated if they have certain medical conditions*. All adults 65 or older should be vaccinated with PPSV23 and anyone with certain medical conditions or those who smoke should be vaccinated before 65.

*The CDC changed the recommendation for PCV13 in November 2019.  It is no longer recommended in combination with PPSV23 once a person turns 65 but is now optional.


Chicken pox and shingles result from infection by the same virus.  Once a person has had chicken pox, the virus remains dormant or inactive in the body permanently. Increased age, decreased immunity, stress, and other factors can re-activate the virus in the form of shingles.

The first symptom of shingles is a rash, usually on one side the the body or face, and can be very painful.  Shingles pain can last for years, even after the outbreak is resolved.  More serious side effects include permanent deafness or blindness.  

It is recommended that all adults age 50 or older receive two doses of shingles vaccine.  These doses are given 2-6 months apart and offer over 90% efficacy in preventing any future outbreaks. Please check with our staff for availability as this vaccine is prone to backorder.


This vaccine contains the inactivated strains of 3 separate pathogens. Tetanus is a serious bacterial infection that is transmitted through puncture wounds.  It can cause extreme muscle spasms and stiffness.  Diphtheria is a respiratory infection that causes thick, gray mucus to cover the back of the throat making it difficult to breathe.  Pertussis (also known as Whooping Cough) is a very common respiratory infection and can be deadly in infants.  

Because infants cannot be vaccinated against whooping cough until they are 6 months or older, expecting mothers and all family members who will be in close contact with the baby should be vaccinated.  TDaP and DTaP are also given as part of routine childhood vaccinations and a booster should be given every 10 years.

The Measles Mumps Rubella vaccine is part of routine childhood vaccinations but some adults may require additional doses. Adults born before 1957 are considered immune and do not usually require vaccination.  Those born after 1957 without evidence of immunity require 1 to 2 doses and those traveling internationally may also want to consider vaccination.


Hepatitis A & B are serious and often chronic viral diseases that affecs the liver.  Hepatitis A is passed through contact with contaminated food, water and ice.  Most commonly it is spread from fecal to oral transmission caused by poor hand washing followed by food handling. Hepatitis A occurs throughout the world and is especially common in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Western Pacific.  People can become infected in many common travel destinations even when using luxury accommodations. 

The Hepatitis B vaccine has been a routine childhood vaccination since the mid-1980s but it is recommended that adults talk to their healthcare provider to determine if additional doses are needed. This vaccine is often required for healthcare workers and other professions where risk of needle-stick injuries are high since its transmitted by blood.

Vaccine schedules for the two are similar and the CDC recommends anyone planning to leave the country get vaccinated. Please contact us if you think you need one or both vaccinations.


Meningitis is caused by the meningococcal bacteria spread from person to person through the air by droplets of contaminated respiratory secretions such as coughing/sneezing or through inter-personal contact like kissing or drinking from the same beverage container.  Meningococcal bacteria can spread to the blood and even infect the fluid of the spinal cord and surrounding the brain.  This can cause serious illness and even death.

Immunization is most recommended for college kids and teens that attend sports camps. It is also recommended for those traveling to Saudi Arabia, sub-Saharan Africa and other areas where risk of infection is high. 

HPV / Gardasil

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States and it is estimated that about 80% of people will get an HPV infection in their lifetime.  It is usually spread through contact with infected skin during sexual intercourse and can go undiagnosed and/or asymptomatic for years.  Cancer is the most serious complication from an HPV infection.

The HPV vaccine is recommended in a 2 or 3 dose series depending on age. Two doses are recommended if the first dose is given before the person’s 15th birthday.  For those between 15 and 26 a 3-dose schedule is recommended.  This vaccine is not recommended for anyone over the age of 27.


We give many travel vaccinations including Typhoid (oral and shot), Yellow Fever, & Japanese Encephalitis. Click the “Learn More” button to go to our Travel page and make an appointment.


Navigating what vaccinations your young adult needs prior to leaving for college can be tricky. Let us help you put a plan together to get things done in the right order and efficiently!